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Discover the biological & kinetic behaviour of your WWTP

Respirometer based on gasometric method for wastewater analysis

In any biological wastewater treatment system, there is a need to define, assess and understand the plant’s performance with regard to the removal of certain contaminants and the response of bacterial activity to inhibitory compounds of interest. The execution of batch activity tests can be useful to study the biodegradability of a given wastewater stream, determine the stoichiometric and kinetic parameters involved in the conversion of a specific compound, study the potential interactions (e.g. symbiosis and competition) between microbial populations and assess the potential toxic effects of certain wastewater steams and / or compounds.

The Gas Endeavour® III allows for an easy execution of batch activity analysis, based on volumetric gas methodology. The instrument is a fully automated respirometer employing a gasometric method for continuous gas volume measurement. It is an ideal solution for anaerobic and aerobic respirometry using samples of biomass and wastewater. In comparison with the manually chemical, titrimetric or conventional manometric methods for wastewater analysis, the Gas Endeavour® III allows highly accurate analysis of kinetics for a large number of samples. Its automated test procedure also significantly reduces the workload time compared with manual alternatives and the modular design makes the instrument being very user friendly in both analysis and maintenance.


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Areas of application

related to wastewater analysis

Gas Endeavour allows for continuous and on-line monitoring of released gas based on the volumetric measuring principle. The instrument is an ideal analytical tool to conduct the following batch activity tests:

  • Denitrification batch activity – the test is meant to assess the maximum denitrification rate of a sludge sample and the anoxic biomass growth yield.
  • Anammox batch activity – the test is used to estimate the maximum specific Anammox activity (SAA) of certain Anammox sludge/biofilm or to study the toxic effects on the SAA of different compounds by recording the released nitrogen gas caused by anammox biomass.

Gas Endeavour is a fully automated respirometer according to volumetric method for continuous gas volume measurement. Together with our patented in-situ carbon dioxide absorption kit, it works as a closed respirometer for microbial respiration rate analyses. The complete instrument package can offer practical solutions for both anaerobic and aerobic respirometry using samples of biomass and wastewater.

  • Anaerobic respirometry – the methane production rate is continuously measured and reflects the rate-limiting process (often hydrolysis in the case of a complex substrate).
  • Aerobic respirometry – a setup can be arranged with Gas Endeavour and the in-situ carbon dioxide absorption kit in a way that the oxygen uptake is continuously monitored without limitation of oxygen supply.
  • Batch assays for wastewater characterisation – these includes biomethane potential (BMP) assay for anaerobic treatment of wastewater and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) for evaluation of wastewater treatment plant in terms of organic matter removal and organic matter concentration of the receiving wastewater.
  • Batch assays for microorganisms characterisation – these includes specific methanogenic activity (SMA) assay for the acetoclastic methanogenic activity of anaerobic cultures, maximum specific aerobic heterotrophic respiration rate (OUR) and specific oxygen utilisation rate (SOUR) for evaluating metabolic activity of aerobic sludge.

Benefits & advantages

Highly precise and accurate data

The Gas Endeavour gives you a better understanding of the kinetics of activity tests and respirometry. The precision of measurements and data calculations have been validated with the highest quality and standards by scientists in international inter-laboratory studies.

Significant reduction in time consumption and labour requirements

Fully automated analytical procedures, extendable testing capacity and full control of experiments with remote access. The Gas Endeavour reduces the time consumption and labour requirement for performing both activity tests and respirometric measurements and make analyses being less skill dependent for precise and accurate data.

Standardised measurement procedures, data interpretations and reports

Real-time temperature and pressure compensations minimise the impact of possible variations in measurement conditions in analyses and standardise data presentation, satisfying the highest demands for data accuracy and precision. An adaptive nonlinear mathematical model is also implemented in the latest released Gas Endeavour to achieve an outstanding high linearity for gas volume measurement in all ranges.

Compact and modular design

The modular approach enables flexible system set-up, easy upgrading options and simple maintenance. The Gas Endeavour can easily be further expanded by connecting multiple instruments with a network switch in order to satisfy demands and shorten development times.

User-friendly operations with remote access

Simple to use and easy to learn. The web-based software application makes setting up and monitoring experiments very easy. The Gas Endeavour allows easy access from a remote location using any computer, smartphone or tablet.

Gas Endeavour® III

– a novel tool for process optimisation of wastewater treatment

The Gas Endeavour III is a novel platform for analysing low gas volume and flow whenever there is a demand for high accuracy and precise measurements. The instrument can be used for research and industrial applications relating to: evaluation of microbial communities such as Specific Anammox Activity (SAA), wastewater, animal nutrition, aerobic and anaerobic respiration, bioethanol fermentation, greenhouse gas emission and more.

BPC Gas Endeavor MAX for both batch and continuous anaerobic and aerobic biodegradability testing


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