Publications related to Bioprocess Control´s instruments
Curious about the impact of Bioprocess Control´s technologies on biogas and other application areas? Check out the publications related to our products!
The available data from literature databases gives an idea of how widely Bioprocess Control’s products are used in biogas and other application sectors, as well as the spreading of these products around the world. The world map shows the geographical distribution of scientific articles stating the use of Bioprocess Control´s technologies, published until December 2016.
As indicated in the world map, Bioprocess Control’s instruments are getting more and more popular among researchers every year. The increase in the number of publications proves that Bioprocess Control´s user friendly and fully automated instruments provide reliable and accurate data while consistently meeting the demands of end-users, as you can see in the picture below. You can find the list of the peer-reviewed articles related to our products between 2010-2016 here.
Figure: Increase in number of scientific publications related to Bioprocess Control’s technologies between 2010 and 2016.
By the end of 2016, researchers from 39 different countries have used our instruments to obtain their data and have published about 300 peer-reviewed articles. In terms of numbers, majority of the publications were originated from Europe (61%). This was followed by Asia (26%), North America (6%), South America (3%), Africa (2%) and Australia (1%), respectively.
We are confident in developing innovative instrumentations and control technologies which will keep on contributing to your research and business. The wide range of applications of our products and the increasing trend in publications suggests that the impact of Bioprocess Control’s technologies in the biogas and other fields will continue to expand.
Stay tuned for further updates as we explore and grow!