Aerobic biodegradation of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions, incorporating thermophilic temperatures
ASTM D-5338-15 test method is equivalent to ISO 14855, which determines the degree and rate of aerobic biodegradation of plastic materials on exposure to a controlled-composting environment under laboratory conditions, at thermophilic temperatures. This test substances are exposed to an inoculum that is derived from compost from municipal solid waste. The aerobic composting takes place in an environment where temperature, aeration and humidity are closely monitored and controlled. The percentage of biodegradability is obtained by determining the percentage of carbon in the test substance that is converted to CO2 during the duration of the test.
BPC Blue may be configured to evaluate aerobic biodegradability of polymer samples under the same temperature range of controlled composting conditions using industrial compost as inoculum. The instrument allows for continuous and on-line monitoring of oxygen demand or depletion caused by aerobic respiration of compost bacteria. This arrangement should be served as a practical analytical tool of biodegradability evaluation under similar conditions of controlled composting facility for internal study or research purpose.
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