N.B. The English text is an unofficial translation of the notice to the Annual General Meeting in BPC Instruments AB, originally drafted in Swedish. In case of any discrepancies between the Swedish original and this translation, the Swedish version shall prevail.
FRI, MAY 27, 2022 10:00 CET
BPC Instruments AB, org.nr. 556687-2460, höll årsstämma fredagen den 27 maj 2022. Med anledning av den fortsatta smittspridningen av viruset som orsakar covid-19 genomfördes stämman enbart med poströstning utan fysiskt deltagande. Idag antog BPC Instruments AB (“BPC” eller “Bolaget”) följande resolutioner vid årsstämman:
BPC Instruments AB, reg.no. 556687-2460, held its Annual General Meeting on Friday on May 27th, 2022. Due to the continued spread of the virus that causes covid-19, the meeting was conducted by postal voting only without physical participation. Today, BPC Instruments AB (“BPC” or the “Company”) adopted the following resolutions at its Annual General Meeting:
§ 7 a. Beslut om fastställande av resultaträkning och balansräkning. / Resolutions regarding the adoption of the income statement and the balance sheet.
Stämman beslutade att fastställa den framlagda resultaträkningen och balansräkningen samt koncernresultaträkning och koncernbalansräkning.
The Meeting resolved to approve the presented income statement and balance sheet as well as the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet.
§ 7 b. Beslut om dispositioner beträffande bolagets resultat enligt den fastställda balansräkningen / Resolution regarding the allocation of the company’s results in accordance with the adopted balance sheet
Stämman beslutade att disponera över bolagets resultat enligt den fastställda balansräkningen, i enlighet med styrelsens förslag i årsredovisningen.
The Meeting resolved to dispose of the company’s earnings in accordance with the approved balance sheet, in accordance with the Board’s proposal in the annual report.
§ 7 c. Beslut om ansvarsfrihet åt styrelsens ledamöter och verkställande direktör. / Resolution regarding the discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the managing director from liability.
Stämman beslutade att bevilja styrelsens ledamöter och verkställande direktör ansvarsfrihet för räkenskapsåret 2021.
The Meeting resolved to grant the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO discharge from liability for the financial year 2021.
§ 8. Fastställande av antal styrelseledamöter och styrelsesuppleanter samt antal revisorer och revisorssuppleanter. / Determination of the number of members, and deputy members, of the Board of Directors and the number of auditors and deputy auditors.
Stämman beslutade i enlighet med aktieägarnas förslag om att styrelsen ska bestå av fyra (4) ledamöter.
The Meeting resolved in accordance with the shareholder’s proposal that the Board of Directors should consist of four (4) ordinary members.
§ 9. Fastställande av arvoden till styrelsen och i förekommande fall styrelsesuppleant samt revisor och i förekommande fall revisorssuppleanter. / Determination of remunerations for members of the Board of Directors and auditors.
Stämman beslutade i enlighet med aktieägarnas förslag om att 60 000 kronor ska utgå till styrelseledamot Anita Sindberg. Inget arvode ska utgå till övriga ledamöter. Vidare beslutade stämman att revisorarvode ska utgå enligt marknadsmässigt avtal.
The Meeting resolved, in accordance with the shareholder’s and the Board’s proposal, that SEK 60,000 shall be paid to board member Anita Sindberg. No remuneration is proposed for other members of the Board. Furthermore, the Meeting resolved that auditor’s fees shall be paid in accordance with invoiced amount.
§ 10. Val av styrelseledamöter och i förekommande fall styrelsesuppleant samt revisor och i förekommande fall revisorssuppleanter. / Election of the members of the Board of Directors and auditor.
Stämman beslutade att till styrelseledamöter omvälja Gustaf Olsson, Jing Liu, Kristofer Cook och Anita Sindberg. Till styrelseordförande omvaldes Gustaf Olsson.
The Meeting resolved to re-elect Gustaf Olsson, Jing Liu, Kristofer Cook and Anita Sindberg as Board members. Gustaf Olsson was re-elected Chairman of the Board.
Stämman beslutade att Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, med den huvudansvarige revisorn Pär Hammensjö omväljs som bolagets revisor till slutet av den årsstämma som hålls nästa räkenskapsår.
The Meeting resolved that Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, with the auditor in charge Pär Hammensjö, be re-elected as the company’s auditor until the end of the General Meeting to be held next financial year.
For more information, please contact:
BPC Instruments AB
Dr. Jing Liu, CEO
Tel: +46 (0) 46 16 39 51
E-mail: ir@bpcinstruments.com
About BPC Instruments AB
BPC Instruments (formerly Bioprocess Control) is a Swedish-based technology company developing and selling automated, analytical instruments that allow for more efficient, reliable, and higher quality research and analysis in a wide range of industries including biogas, biodegradability, animal nutrition, and greenhouse gas emission analysis. The result is significant reductions in time consumption and labour requirement for performing analysis, as well as more efficient use of manpower resources. BPC Instruments’ products offer high quality and good features in both hardware and software, and the Company has a deep level of knowledge and know-how on-target applications. The solutions of BPC Instruments are the first of their kind, making the Company a pioneer in its field. Today, BPC Instruments exports to more than 60 countries and the number is growing. For more information, please visit BPC’s webpage www.bpcinstruments.com