Exhibition at ICBM-3 in Wageningen, the Netherlands
Our Product Application Engineer, Judith van Gorp, exhibited at the 3rd International Conference on Biogas Microbiology in Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Bioprocess Control has been exhibiting at this conference since it was first held in Germany, in 2011. It has always been a great opportunity to meet with our customers, discuss about their research using our instruments, and present the new developments that are going on at BPC!

There were interesting keynote presentations from cutting-edge researchers regarding biogas production at extreme conditions, the conversion of waste to gas, and using Systems Biology approaches when studying microbial populations. One group from Denmark presented their use of the AMPTS II when researching mesophilic versus thermophilic anaerobic digestion of cattle manure. One of our French customers discussed their use of our CSTRs for their work on understanding the effect of ammonia on anaerobic microbiota during the digestion of waste.
With a large focus on the fundamental and applied aspects of biogas microbiology, the ICBM conference is always a great opportunity to learn more about what is new in the field of biogas!