
Cleantech Forum San Francisco

March is generally a busy month for us at the company. We travel quite a bit to attend conferences and trade shows in order to share our knowledge of the anaerobic digestion process, and, of course, to demonstrate how our smart instruments serve as tools for measuring biomethane potential (among other things).

Bioprocess Control’s CEO, Dr. Jing Liu gave a presentation at Cleantech Forum San Francisco in CA, USA. It was the perfect opportunity to share the Bioprocess Control story and network. Cleantech Forum is an annual gathering of the global cleantech innovation community. 

This year’s theme was Cleantech Meets the Cloud: The Emergence of Cleantech-as-a-Service. This highlighted the world we live in today where customers appreciate data and control in order to make good decisions. Just as easily as we share information online, we would like to be able to produce and share energy and water. Sensors, data, software, financing mechanisms, and analytics are all tools we use to manage our decentralized world. This was central to the discussions and sharing that took place at Cleantech Forum.