Scientific reference for anaerobic biodegradability assay
December 15, 2020
Article title: “Assessment of models for anaerobic biodegradation of a model bioplastic: Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)”
Authors: Cecily A. Ryan, Sarah L. Billington, Craig S. Criddle
Bioresource Technology (2018), 227, 205-213
Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University (United States)
Five kinetic models of anaerobic digestion are evaluated to determine their suitability for modelling of anaerobic biodegradation of the bioplastic poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV). AMPTS® II was used to perform the actual anaerobic biodegradability analysis in order to produce kinetic degradation data for evaluating the model simulation.