Bioprocess Control attended AD14 in Chile
Bioprocess Control attended the 14th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion at the O’Higgins Hotel in Viña del Mar, Chile between the 15th and 18th of November.

The AD14 World Congress gathered over 700 participants from nearly 50 countries – students, scientists, government representatives and industry experts.
As a technology and market key player in the area of advanced instrumentation and control technologies for applications in the biogas industry, Bioprocess Control was a part of the AD14 Technology Trade Show, where it took the opportunity to promote its latest developments to a global and multidisciplinary audience.

The team of Bioprocess Control’s experts was not only present in the Trade Show, but has also been involved in oral and poster presentations, as well as training courses related to optimization tools for biogas research and operation of full-scale plants.

From the 600 presentations (i.e. 140 oral presentations and 460 posters) displayed at the AD14 World Congress, about 30 were identified as being related to data generated with AMPTS II or BioReactor Simulator, two analytical instruments developed by Bioprocess Control for on-line measurements of low biomethane flows produced from the anaerobic digestion processes. A selection of these conference proceedings is presented in the reviews section.

As a vendor, it was great opportunity to meet many of our current customers, but also new prospective clients at one event. As researchers, it was very good to be a part of a scientific exchange and upgrade in relation to AD.

We thank all visitors at the Bioprocess Control exhibition stand, and attendees at our oral and poster presentations! Looking forward to the next AD World Congress in China!